The Pyramids

      The Desert Fathers and Mothers who lived in the Egyptian desert during the fourth and fifth centuries, as well as other early Christian contemplatives, offer us important perspectives on simplicity for our lives as Christians living in the twenty-first century. Here are three selections:  

     Set your mind on following the path of saints. Prefer a simple style of life. Wear unremarkable clothes. Eat simple food. Behave in an unaffected manner. Don’t strut around as if you were important. Speak from your heart. (Abba Philemon) 

    Let all your prayer be completely simple. Both the tax collector (Luke 18:9-14) and the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) were reconciled to God by one simple phrase – one said: God have mercy on me, a sinner; and the other: Father, I have sinned against you. (John Klimakos) 

     If you want a life of discipleship, do not allow the desire for material possessions to get a grip on you. A disciple with many possessions is like a ship that has been too heavily laden. It is lashed by the storms of cares and sinks in the deep waters of distress. The love of money gives birth to many evil obsessions and has rightly been called the “root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10). (Theodoros the Ascetic) 

Reference: John Anthony McGuckin, trans., The Book of Mystical Chapters, 17-18, 43, 58-59. 

Photo credit: Intellimon Ltd.


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