Books for Learning

     This introduction has sketched the journey to the realm of one’s heart, the abode of the Divine, through the prayer of the heart (meditation) involving silence, stillness and simplicity. Other ways to the heart lie outside the scope of this website. They include setting aside one day a week for physical and spiritual rejuvenation; spending time in nature, appreciating its sacredness and interconnection; and in compassion offering oneself to others in service.  

     The remaining part of the website continues the theme of entering the heart in the reflections of a variety of spiritual writers. There is material for both newcomers on the journey and seasoned pilgrims.  

     The quotations are organized as follows: 

     SILENCE addresses the need for simplicity, silence and stillness in our Western world increasingly characterized by noise, clamor, and complexity. Ever-present distractions lure us into stressful living. Practical tips for achieving greater tranquility include: remembering that the human spirit needs quietness to thrive; getting away for a while; learning the art of silence; exploring meditation; and trying to live in a creative and meditative way.  

     SIMPLICITY focuses on simplifying life. It begins by showing simplicity as the essence of spiritual practice and suggests ways of cultivating it. Important is the childlike mindset behind simplicity. A simplified life brings freedom from the tyranny of the ego, as well as peace, contentment, and humility. The simplicity of the Desert Fathers and Mothers is also instructive. 

     MEDITATION presents a way to achieve silence and stillness – the path of meditation, or prayer of the heart. In the silence, stillness, and simplicity of meditation, one begins to experience the inner quietness of the heart. The outcomes of regular meditation over a period of time include greater serenity, peace, and joy. This section specifically touches on the discipline and simplicity of meditation as well as the practice of repeating Scripture in the silence of the heart.      

     AWARENESS deals with developing an awareness of the Divine presence within, in the depth of our being, through meditation.      

     ENCOUNTER touches on encountering God. It explains how in silence, stillness, and solitude, we may perceive the voice of love in our heart. Moreover, God speaks in diverse situations and one may become aware of Divinity in daily living. Such encounters with God are always by grace. 

     RESPONSE addresses our hearing and responding to the Divine presence. It shows the need to guard the life of the Spirit within and what it means to be totally abandoned to God in our response to him. The section also deals with the ministry of divine silence and how in heartfelt listening the heart is reached. It concludes with the ultimate test of the practice of meditation: growth in love. 

     The photographic images from natural settings are intended to augment reflection on the principles found in the texts.  

     Many of the 49 selections lend themselves to pondering, with their meaning unfolding over time. One way is to take a text each day, read it before or after meditating, and then let the thoughts nurture the mind during the day. (Meditation group leaders may find that sharing a passage with their group provides a springboard for follow-up conversation after meditating.) 

     May the thoughts shared on this website bring us into the sacred and silent sanctuary of our hearts where the divine Spirit of life, light, and love is ready to lead us into greater joy and fullness of life.  


Photo credit: Intellimon Ltd.



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Features the theme of seeing in the ordinary, the extraordinary; in the daily, the holy; in the routine, the rare. 


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