This website deals with prayer of the heart or meditation.
It is covered from a mainly Christian perspective
– and yet, since meditation is a universal spiritual practice, the website may be of interest to
In sum, the website is about a journey into the realm
of the heart
– the abode of the Divine within.
Three aspects of this journey are silence,
stillness, and simplicity.
pondered, may the reflections on this website lead you to the silence and stillness of your own heart
– and in so doing, encounter the Life, Light, and Love within.
The following topics are presented:
Prayer of the Heart
Need for Simplicity, Silence, and Stillness
Simplifying Life
Achieving Silence and Stillness Through Meditation
Awareness of the Divine Within
Encountering the Divine
Hearing and Responding to the Divine
The photographic images, often from natural
settings, are intended to augment reflection on the principles found in the texts.
Many of the 49 selections on the website lend themselves to contemplation, with their meaning
unfolding over time. One idea is to read a text each day, and then let the thoughts nurture the mind during
the day.
A bibliography
of the spiritual writers drawn on, and other acknowledgements, are
found on separate web pages
– as is some background about ourselves.
May the thoughts, then, shared on this
website bring us all into the sacred and silent sanctuary of our hearts where the Divine Spirit of life,
light, and love is ready to lead us into greater joy and fullness of life.
Alexander and Eva
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Now Available!
Some may find of interest our new small book entitled
Journey to the Divine Within. The book is essentially a print version of the website. In fact, the website
is based on the book.
The book has 80 pages, is illustrated with black-and-white photographs, and costs about $6 plus
For a preview, click on the image below.

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